How to add a saved reply?

You can use saved replies in your communications to ensure consistency and to save time. This article will guide you through how to add saved replies.

Open Settings

Go to your dashboard and click on the gear shaped icon on the bottom left of your screen to access Settings. You will find Saved Replies under Inbox.

Click 'Saved Replies'

Start Creating a Saved Reply

Click on New Response. You will be prompted to enter the text of your reply.Click 'New response'Under Title, give your saved reply a unique name so you can easily identify it later. In the text box under Response, type the message you want to save. You can use any formatting, emojis, or links. After you're finished entering your message, click on Done.

Click 'Done'

Save the Changes

Don't forget to save your progress by clicking on Save changes.

Click 'Save changes'

To find your saved replies later, click on Insert saved response, or simply type "/" (forward slash) followed by the first few letters of the title of your saved reply. This will bring up a list of saved replies and you can choose the appropriate one from the list.

Click 'We have refunded your money on our side.It usually takes 5-10 business days (sometimes less) for you to see it on your card. This time might vary depending on your card issuer.Have a lovely rest of...'

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